So welcome to Melbourne Australia Tobin. She stayed a total of 6 days, just before I was about to start work. It was amazing the way it worked out. I started work at 9am on a Thursday and she flew out of the country the same morning. I said goodbye when I woke up to go to work. Dad drove her to the airport. We had a ball when she was over. Didn't do anything special, mostly just hung and had fun.

Smoke smoke smoke, all the time with my mum. lol Everyone loved you Tobster! You will be missed! Here's us at Fed Square Melbourne. Looking hot as ever. lol
Love the city. Flinders Street Station and Fed Square is where we stayed most of the night, went to the Lounge for a couple of drinks and Crown, and had coffees at Cafe Greco.

Here you can see Rialto Towers.
Second pic is the Eureka Tower! The Tallest Apartment Block in the WORLD!! How cool are we? lol
And further down is the Information Centre. These are just some of the pics I took on the night.
I wish I could have the whole city skyline in here... Oh well, next


e I'll get a good one from the Westgate and post it up. After cops chase me for stopping and getting out of my car on the bridge....suicide. lol
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